Price On Call


Type : for sale
Condition : used
Warranty : Yes really
Location : Zone 16, Ibn Abdul Muttalib Street, Doha, Qatar,

We also offer maintenance and repair services for Split, Window, and Central ACs. Services include fixing water leaks, hot air issues, installation, and electrical faults.

please contact more information 50020462

Brands for sale:

1) TCL (Bestseller)

2) Aux

3) Electros (Piston available, higher energy consumption but cools even at 65 degrees Celsius)

4) Midea (World’s No. 1)

5) Hisense

6) Sharp

7) ALM (Excellent performance)

8) York (American brand by Johnson Controls)

9) General

10) Mitsubishi

11) Super General

12) Frego

13) LG

14) Lloyds

15) Oryx

أذكر عند الاتصال بالبائع للحصول على صفقة جيدة



Zone 16, Ibn Abdul Muttalib Street, Doha, Qatar,


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